Monday, December 1, 2008

Three-dimensional technology

Three-dimensional technology
This is a need for glasses can also enjoy three-dimensional images (as the maker Philips said, "do not have the spectacle of spectacles"). The technology has been in the experiment, but in the end will be listed. Philips WOWvx three-dimensional imaging technique relies on more than two-angle lens process can be slightly different image to each eye on the project to produce three-dimensional effect. Philips WOWvx the first display size from 8 inches to 132 inches range. 42-inch WOWvx display is priced at 12,000 U.S. dollars, ordinary consumers are still out of reach. However, as Sharp and other companies have products available, the Philips WOWvx display in the near future may be reduced to an acceptable range of consumers.